Reason To Loose Weight:
So That My Skinny Younger Brother is Not Embarassed By Me Anymore
What a long day. I woke up sick, like bad sick weezing (still cant find my asthma medicine either) and burning and then started...that time of the month! I still feel like shit but I feel good that I finally did good for my diet starting and so that makes me feel better about the day.
So how did the day go? Well all day I didnt want to excersize because im sick and I knew that without my asthma medicing it could flare up real bad. But when I sat down to watch biggest loser I decided I could at LEAST walk slowly on the treadmil and told myself I could stop if it felt bad. Well I kept wanting to quit but im so inspired right now that I managed to walk at a decent pace for a whole hour! Of course when I got off I imediatly crashed to the floor in pain and dizzyness but I was happy that I actually excersized! Maybe it is a insight to good things coming.
Food, well I basically stayed away. There were chips and my favorite dip and I started making a plate like old ways and I was like "wth am I doing?" I ate exactly THREE chips with a little dip and walked away! I was so proud.
At dinner I ate like 50% less then normal serving size of left over pot roast and only 2 small pieces of garlic bread instead of like 4 or 5 lol. I was also proud.
Water..I managed to chug 2 full bottles while working out and after working out and drank some green tea and ate vitamen C all to try and help myself get better. I want to be able to like work out and not be sick!
I have so much support right now coming from different places...or more like motivation. I started in a little group thing where like 55 of us are fighting to loose the most weight and win a prize. It makes me feel better like I have hope if all them are doing it, surely I can. Plus my...super close friend/ex started dieting today, hes fat too lol. So I dont want to be left behind!
Official Weight: 257.8
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