Sunday, December 16, 2007

Diet Day 1

Reason To Loose Weight 2:
To See My Feet Again

Hey everyone! Well so today, I feel, was a pretty good success. Considering that I have been so bad with how I eat, I think I improved greatly. I am not where I am trying to get, but I cant just kill everything in 1 day haha. So what did I do? I forced myself to eat a breakfast, which wasnt until like Noon since I slept in, and I had a piece of bread, 45 cal bread, and a little penut butter. Then I didnt eat again until dinner and we went to a resturant and I drank 1 glass of lemonade (nest time i'll have water) and a salad! Ya it was a big salad but way better then my normal 6 piece fast food course! So I feel like today I was successful because I improved greatly even though I really wanted to get like a hamburger or something =D Oh I did have a muffin today too, which I shouldnt of had.

So for excersizing, ive been really sick lately so I can't really excersize yet because the sickness is in my lungs so I am barely able to breath, but I DID force myself to go out shopping with my parents which meant I was on my feet walking for like 2 hours =D So I think I did decent considering the situation! Yay

So tomorrow I am going to improve even more and eat even less, or eat better things like fruit instead of junk

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